
Nickname Changes

We have changed the way Nicknames are used across the Gala Bingo site to ensure consistency for our players across all our great products. This means that from 20.02.2024 you will only have one Nickname that will display across all Bingo, Live Casino and Slots areas.  
We have relied upon the following criteria to decide which Nickname will be selected:    

  • If you have previously played a Bingo game, your Bingo Chat Name will replace your Casino Nickname.  
  • If your Bingo Chat Name is already duplicated with an existing Casino Nickname, you will be required to select a new (permanent) Nickname upon launching a Bingo or Slot game.   
  • If you have never played on Bingo, your existing Casino Nickname will remain unchanged and will be used as your Bingo Chat Name as well.   


1. Do I have to have a Nickname? 

Yes, with the introduction of ‘player vs player’ games, a Nickname is a way for you to have a unique identifier that can be shared with other players without sharing your account information.

2. What are the rules for choosing a Nickname? 

  • Your Nickname should be unique, so you will not be allowed to use one which is already taken by another player 
  • Nicknames will be restricted if they contain profanities or if they are deemed potentially antagonistic or upsetting for other players 
  • Your Nickname should not include any sensitive information 
  • Nicknames cannot contain spaces or special characters except for the underscore, full stop, or hyphen characters 
  • Your Nickname must be between 3-15 characters in length 

 3. Where will my Nickname display onsite? 

Your Nickname will display at the top of the site menu, and when you leave a message in any of the chat rooms. It will also be the name used for any leaderboards and tournaments across the site.